Vanneck Evening - Presentation Recording
- The Vanneck Evening Presentation is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy any investments, securities or funds.
- Applications to invest in any fund referred to in this review must only be made on the basis of the offering documents relating to the specific investment.
- The Vanneck Evening Presentation is primarily designed to inform you about recent developments in Vanneck Ltd Funds.
- It may provide information about portfolios, including recent activity and performance. Investment decisions should take account of the subjectivity of the review.
- Past performance of an investment is not a guide to future performance; the value of investments and any income generated may go down as well as up and is not guaranteed.
- Nothing in the Vanneck Evening Presentation constitutes any investment, legal, tax and other advice and it is not to be relied upon in making any investment decision.
- The content of the Vanneck Evening Presentation is believed to be reliable; no guarantee, warranty or representation is given to its accuracy or completeness.