Remuneration Policy - January 2025
Given the nature and small size of our business, remuneration for all employees is set by the members of the Firm. The Firm formally reviews the performance of all employees and based thereon determines each employees overall level of remuneration and the split of that between base salary, bonus, etc. in compliance with the FCA Rules on remuneration.
Given that the Firm has only one business area, investment management, all remuneration disclosed in our audited financial statements is from this business area.
The Firm has defined “Code Staff” to be the Firm’s current FCA approved persons. The aggregate level of remuneration earned by the staff is disclosed in our audited financial statement
The Firm is subject to the MiFID Remuneration Code ("the Code"), has applied proportionality and, pursuant to this application and where relevant, has disapplied various provisions of the Code.
Given the nature and small size of our business, remuneration for all employees is set by the members of the Firm. The Firm formally reviews the performance of all employees and based thereon determines each employees overall level of remuneration and the split of that between base salary, bonus, etc. in compliance with the FCA Rules on remuneration.
Given that the Firm has only one business area, investment management, all remuneration disclosed in our audited financial statements is from this business area.
The Firm has defined “Code Staff” to be the Firm’s current FCA approved persons. The aggregate level of remuneration earned by the staff is disclosed in our audited financial statement
The Firm is subject to the MiFID Remuneration Code ("the Code"), has applied proportionality and, pursuant to this application and where relevant, has disapplied various provisions of the Code.